Linux compatible ACORN6lx with batch processing is now available for PC Linux systems.
ACORN6lx includes:
- All the capabilities of ACORN5 plus full batch processing
- Batch processing from individual control files
- Batch processing from spreadsheet control files with 1 row per program run
- A single image can be atmospherically corrected with different parameters for atmospheric correction research
- Different images and ACORN modes can be run from the same batch file
Important ACORN6lx capabilities include:
Accurate and proper accounting for cross-track spectral calibration variation
of pushbroom hyperspectral sensor (Hyperion, etc.).
Atmospheric correction of multispectral data with an independant water vapor
Advanced spectral fitting for simultaneous derivation of water vapor and liquid
water in the 850 to 1250 nm spectral region.
- An
updated users manual and tutorial with examples for all modes of operation.
ImSpec LLC is dedicated to enable advanced imaging, spectroscopy and remote sensing.
pursuit of this objective, ImSpec LLC has developed the atmospheric
correction software named "Atmospheric CORrection Now" or ACORN.
ACORN result for geological example at Cuprite, Nevada. Atmospheric
correction from calibrated radiance to surface reflectance.

ACORN result for ecological example at Jasper Ridge, California.
Atmospheric correction from calibrated radiance to surface reflectance.

ACORN6lx works for both Hyperspectral and Multispectral data and provides the following modes of Atmospheric Correction:
Mode 1 Radiative
transfer atmospheric correction of calibrated hyperspectral data.
Mode 1pb Mode
1 for pushbroom imaging spectrometer with cross-track spectral calibration
Mode 1.5 Radiative transfer atmospheric
correction of calibrated hyperspectral data with water vapor and liquid water
spectral fitting
Mode 1.5pb Mode 1.5 for pushbroom imaging spectrometer
with cross-track spectral calibration variation.
Mode 2 Single
spectrum enhancement of a hyperspectral atmospheric correction.
Mode 3 Atmospheric correction using
the empirical line method for hyperspectral data.
Mode 4 User specified convolution
of hyperspectral data to multispectral data.
Mode 5 Radiative
transfer atmospheric correction of calibrated multispectral data.
Mode 5.5 Radiative transfer atmospheric
correction of calibrated multispectral data with independently know water vapor
image for spatially varying water vapor correction
Mode 6 Single
spectrum enhancement of a multispectral atmospheric correction.
Mode 7 Atmospheric
correction by the empirical line method for multispectral data.
For more about ACORN please go to the product page.
The price for the complete ACORN software, documentation and tutorial is $995.00 plus tax and shipping.
To Purchase ACORN please contact us at: Fax:(206) 666.3098